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Complete The Circuit
View Anatomic’s Data Highlights

🌊 Just go with the flow 🌊
Anatomical relevance = physiological relevance. The combination of the Xona Microfluidics XC-T500 3-chamber chip with Anatomic’s nociceptors and dorsal horn neurons enables researchers to simulate the intricate neurocircuitry of nociceptive free nerve endings, DRG, and the dorsal spinal cord. Be part of the bleeding edge in physiologically and anatomically relevant pain models!
Reach out to learn more:
#CompleteTheCircuit #SensoryNeurons #PainResearch #DorsalHornNeurons #NotYourAverageNeuron
Reach out to learn more:
#CompleteTheCircuit #SensoryNeurons #PainResearch #DorsalHornNeurons #NotYourAverageNeuron

⚡Can you feel the connection?⚡
Stimulation of RealDRG hiPSC-derived sensory neurons with veratridine allows researchers to study signal propagation to RealDHN hiPSC-derived dorsal horn neurons via calcium imaging.
Methods: Anatomic RealDRG and RealDHN were thawed and cultured in Xona Microfluidics XC150 chips. At D11, neurons were loaded with Calbryte 520 AM before being stimulated with 1 uM veratridine.
Reach out for more details:
#PainResearch #SensoryNeurons #DorsalHornNeurons #NotYourAverageNeuron #CompleteTheCircuit #hiPSC
Methods: Anatomic RealDRG and RealDHN were thawed and cultured in Xona Microfluidics XC150 chips. At D11, neurons were loaded with Calbryte 520 AM before being stimulated with 1 uM veratridine.
Reach out for more details:
#PainResearch #SensoryNeurons #DorsalHornNeurons #NotYourAverageNeuron #CompleteTheCircuit #hiPSC

🧠 Anatomic is going A N A T O M I C 🧠
In a local collab with Sunny Chan, PhD at the University of Minnesota, we are developing a same donor tri-culture neuromuscular junction consisting of Schwann cell progenitors, motor neurons, and skeletal muscle.
Skeletal muscle was generated by the Chan lab using the following published protocol:
Schwann cell progenitors and motor neurons were generated using Anatomic differentiation kits.
#CompletingTheCircuit #NotYourAverageNeuron #stemcells #neuroscience #ALS
Skeletal muscle was generated by the Chan lab using the following published protocol:
Schwann cell progenitors and motor neurons were generated using Anatomic differentiation kits.
#CompletingTheCircuit #NotYourAverageNeuron #stemcells #neuroscience #ALS

💎 Check-out the purity 💎
Images of RealDRG hiPSC-derived sensory neuron cultures, ready for patch clamping. These cultures were generated without the need for genetic engineering or Mitomycin C.
Visit for more information on the molecular and functional characterization of the neurons!
Visit for more information on the molecular and functional characterization of the neurons!

🔄 Multiple donors. Same process. 🔄
Multiple donors. Same process. Reach out for protocols to test functional differences in sensory neurons derived from hiPSC lines (both healthy and diseased) on the Axion BioSystems Maestro.
DIY with Senso-DM or send your hiPSCs to Anatomic for custom differentiations of sensory neurons with a 1-2 month turnaround.
#notyouraverageneuron #personalizedmedicine #diseasemodeling
DIY with Senso-DM or send your hiPSCs to Anatomic for custom differentiations of sensory neurons with a 1-2 month turnaround.
#notyouraverageneuron #personalizedmedicine #diseasemodeling

🔬 Boost your cultures 🔬
Schwann cells, the major glial cell type in the peripheral nervous system, play a crucial role in nerve development, maintenance, and repair. They provide support, myelination, and trophic factors necessary for the proper functioning of neurons. Including Schwann cells in your cultures is essential to accurately mimic the in vivo environment - reach out for the protocol on how to add Schwann cells to your motor neuron cultures.
Learn more on our website:
#CompleteTheCircuit #notyouraverageneuron
Learn more on our website:
#CompleteTheCircuit #notyouraverageneuron

🖐️Feel the Future of Pain Research 🖐️
An underappreciated component for pain signaling is the dorsal horn. Our latest breakthrough unveils the developmental cues to direct differentiation toward spinothalamic neurons of the dorsal horn. Say goodbye to spinal cord slices and hello to scalability!
#notyouraverageneuron #completethecircuit
#notyouraverageneuron #completethecircuit

🤝 Schwann cell alignment assays 🤝
Watch our hiPSC-derived Schwann cell precursors (SCPs) grasp motor axons as they determine how they want to align themselves. This assay provides an excellent model for understanding the basic science of early myelination events, and provides the foundation for future work related to de/dismyelinating diseases such as Charcot-Marie Tooth Syndrome.

💎 Check-out the purity 💎
Images of RealMOTO hiPSC-derived motor neuron cultures, generated without the need for genetic engineering or Mitomycin C.
Visit for more information on the molecular and functional characterization of the neurons!
#NotYourAverageNeuron #MotorNeurons
Visit for more information on the molecular and functional characterization of the neurons!
#NotYourAverageNeuron #MotorNeurons
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