RealDRG™ cryopreserved human pluripotent stem cell-derived sensory neurons (nociceptors) are a highly pure, easy to use and functional in vitro model for pain drug discovery.
These hiPSC-derived nociceptors are consistent, scalable, express key ion channels such as TRPV1 (capsaicin receptor), SCN9A (Nav1.7), SCN10A (Nav1.8), and SCN11A (Nav1.9). RealDRG comes in three different sizes with guaranteed post-thaw viable sensory neurons:
•1M per vial CAT#1020-1M
•3M per vial CAT#1020-3M
•5M per vial CAT#1020-5M
Reliable Protocols Produce High Purity Sensory Neurons
Anatomic's cryopreserved RealDRG hiPSC-derived sensory neurons are held to the highest production standards, providing consistent and reliable results for your drug discovery and research needs. Using the Senso-DM directed differentiation process on internal hiPSC lines, we can generate billions of neurons at scale and at 99% purity - without the need for mitotic inhibitors. PCA analysis shows RealDRG neurons mature in the shortest time and are closer to primary human DRG tissue compared to other hiPSC-derived sensory neuron protocols:

Proven in a Number of Assays
​We've performed extensive assay development for a number of techniques so that your first experiments will run smoothly. Without the need for extensive optimization, researchers can focus on discovery and innovation.
Patch Clamp Electrophysiology
Neurite Outgrowth


Calcium Imaging
View research publications featuring RealDRG

RealDRG Resources
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RealDRG Protocols
RealDRG Quick Guide
Version 1.9
Updated 25APRIL2024
RealDRG Seeding Density
Version 1.0
Updated 04MAY2023
RealDRG Calcium Imaging
Version 1.0
Updated 08DEC2021
Version 1.2
Updated 29AUG2022
Reach out for more information on your assays of interest: support@anatomic.com